Readability and portability of the software system can significantly fascinate the possible modification and extension in the future. 软件系统具有良好的可读性、可移植性,为将来扩展提供了方便。
It supports the computer environment of distributed application, realizes the transparent visit of long-range resource, shields the complexity of network and protocol using the interface of top-layer, offers the applied operation and the portability of software based on the distributed platform and operating system. 它支持分布异构化计算机环境下的应用,实现远程资源的透明访问,用高层接口屏蔽网络和协议的复杂性,提供异构的平台和操作系统之间应用的互操作性、软件的可移植性。
Fully considering the robustness, portability and extensibility of the software structure, this paper designs and implements a high-definition player of IPTV set-top box software system and describes of the design of its modules. Lastly, the functional test is accomplished. 在充分考虑软件结构的健壮性、可移植性以及可扩展性的情况下,设计和实现了IPTV机顶盒播放器的软件系统,并对其组成模块进行了功能设计和实现。
In the design we selected process-oriented Object C++ which ensures the portability of UHF RFID software and operating efficiency. Finally, designed and implemented a applications system that has the function of UHF RFID-Ticket Authentication System. 设计过程中选用面向对象C++语言进一步确保了UHFRFID软件的可移植性、运行效率。最后,对手机UHFRFID功能进行实际应用,设计与实现了票务认证系统。